Powered by Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-p4


AI Content Generator Marketplace Add-on

This is an Integration with a Third Party Service. Other charges and fees may be required to use this extension on your Store


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Open AI has developed various AI models, including the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, which includes models like GPT-3.5. 

These models have been widely recognized for their ability to generate human-like text and have found applications in a range of domains, from natural language processing to creative content generation.

We have integrated Open AI in the ChatGPT Content Generator Marketplace Add-On to provide the ChatGPT content generation functionality.

Using the ChatGPT Content Generator Marketplace Add-On, the vendors can generate the product description and SEO content as required. 

Apart from that, the admin of the marketplace will be able to generate the product description and SEO content for his products. The admin can also generate the CMS page, category description, and SEO content.

The ChatGPT Content Generator Marketplace Add-On generates the content based on the selected attribute in the configuration settings.

Business Value

The fast-paced world of e-commerce demands innovative solutions to enhance customer experiences and drive sales. One such groundbreaking advancement is the generation of product descriptions and SEO content, and at the forefront of this technological revolution stands ChatGPT.

An e-commerce business can leverage a ChatGPT to enhance its product, category, and CMS page descriptions. Along with that, the SEO content can also get generated using the ChatGPT as well.

Account & Pricing

An additional account is needed to use this extension. The store admin and vendors should have an OpenAI account. The OpenAI account is required to get the API credentials for the extension settings.

  • To register and get the secret key, tap this link.
  • If you are looking for Open AI support, tap this link.
  • To learn more about Open AI pricing plans, click here.



  • Add a short description for products using ChatGPT.
  • Description for products can be added using page builder by clicking Fill Description with ChatGPT.
  • Fill the description based on a custom query by typing the query in the textarea/page builder like \\{query}.
  • Add a description even if the page builder is disabled.
  • Short descriptions for multiple products can be added at once using Mass Action.
  • Add descriptions for multiple products at once using Mass Action.
  • Choose product Attributes to fill short description and description in Mass Action to be based on.
  • Enable/disable the module.
  • Multi-Lingual Support.
  • Import SEO Content for products using ChatGPT.
  • Add Category Description using ChatGPT.
  • Import SEO Content for categories using ChatGPT.
  • Add CMS page description using page builder by clicking Fill Description with ChatGPT.
  • Fill CMS page description based on custom query by typing the query in the textarea/page builder like \\{query}.
  • Add CMS page description using ChatGPT even if the page builder is disabled.
  • Able to add descriptions for CMS pages using Mass Action.
  • Add SEO Content for CMS pages using Mass Action.
  • Add ChatGPT Prompt Templates.
  • Enable/disable Prompt Templates
  • Choose ChatGPT Prompt Template for Product Description
  • Able to choose ChatGPT Prompt Template for Category Description
  • Choose ChatGPT Prompt Template for CMS Pages Description
  • Can choose to allow sellers to use Admin credentials in case seller credentials are not available.
  • View Seller Prompt Templates from Separate Grid.
  • View/edit Seller Prompt Templates.
  • Mass Delete Prompt Templates.


  • Add/edit the ChatGPT API secret key.
  • Add a short description for products using ChatGPT.
  • Descriptions for the products are generated using ChatGPT.
  • Fill the description based on the custom query by typing the query in the textarea like \{query}.
  • Add short descriptions for multiple products at once using Mass Action.

How does this extension Work?

Store Admin Workflow

Install and setup Credentials

After the successful installation of the ChatGPT Content Generator Marketplace Add-On, the admin will enable the functionality of the ChatGPT content generation for the storefront. 

The admin will enter the OpenAI secret key, enable the option to use the same OpenAI secret key for the vendors if they do not have one, select the attribute on which the content gets generated, and enable the generation of the SEO content. 

Choose the SEO attributes that will get generated - Meta Title, Keywords, and description for the Products, categories, and CMS pages. 

Choose to enable the prompt templates, and select the prompt templates that allow generating the content as per the entered prompt for the products, categories, and CMS pages.

Create & View ChatGPT Prompt Templates

The admin can set up the ChatGPT prompt templates to instruct ChatGPT to create the content accordingly.  The admin can create and manage the prompt templates for the product, category, and CMS pages.

Apart from that, the admin can also view and edit the vendor prompt templates as required.

Generate Product Descriptions & SEO Content

The admin can generate the product descriptions using the Fill Content With ChatGPT button for short and long descriptions. If the page builder is enabled, still the admin can generate the product description. 

To generate the SEO content - Meta title, keywords, and description the admin will navigate to the product SEO section on the product edit page and tap the Import AI Content to generate the respective content for the product SEO.

The admin can also import the AI content for the products in mass according to store view-wise.

Create CMS Pages Description and SEO Content

The admin can generate the CMS page’s description and SEO content by using the mass action. The admin needs to select the CMS pages and from the actions drop-down option, select the Page or SEO content as required.

At a time, either you can generate the Page description or the SEO content.

Generate Category Description & SEO Content

The admin can generate the category description and SEO content using the  ChatGPT Content Generator Marketplace Add-On. In case the page builder is not active even then the admin will be able to generate the category description.

The admin will tap the fill content with the ChatGPT button to fill in the category description as per the set category prompt template. After that, go to the SEO section for the category and tap the Import AI Content to generate the SEO content for the category as required. 

Vendor Workflow

Initial Configuration 

The vendors need to enter the OpenAI secret key. If they have not entered the same then the admin OpenAI secret key is used if the configuration has been set by the admin. The vendor will choose for which product attribute the content gets generated. 

Apart from that, the vendors will set the SEO content generation and the SEO content to generate. The vendors will enable the use of prompt templates and can make use of the admin prompt templates as well.  Lastly, select a prompt template for the product content generation.

Manage ChatGPT Prompt Templates

The vendors can set up the ChatGPT prompt templates to instruct ChatGPT to create the content accordingly. The vendors can create and manage the prompt templates for the products. 

Generate Product Descriptions & SEO Content

The vendors can generate the product descriptions using the Fill Content With ChatGPT button for short and long descriptions. 

To generate the SEO content - Meta title, keywords, and description the vendors will navigate to the product SEO section on the product edit page and tap the Import AI Content to generate the respective content for the product SEO.

The vendors can also import product and SEO content for the products in mass according to store view-wise.


For Store Owner: 

  • The store merchants can fill the short and long descriptions using this module.
  • The long and short descriptions are fetched as per the selected attribute.
  • The store owners have to enter the keyword and click on Fill description with ChatGPT to generate the content.
  • They can create content for multiple products at the same time using mass upload.
  • Generate the description and SEO content for the categories and the CMS pages of the Marketplace website.

For Vendors

  • Generate the product description and SEO content as per the prompt template selection. 
  • Easily generate the product description for products by mass action. 

For Customers

  • Read detailed information about the product they are buying.
  • Make them aware of the product's features and benefits.

Support Policy

  • You get free 3 months of technical support included.
  • You can buy a 6 or 12-month extended support agreement.
  • For issues, please create a ticket or send an email to support@webkul.com
  • Free lifetime updates of the module.

Technical Specifications

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Seller profile

Webkul Software Private Limited

Seller contact




Current Version


Adobe Commerce platform compatibility

Adobe Commerce (cloud): 2.4 (current)

Adobe Commerce (on-prem): 2.4 (current)

Magento Open Source: 2.4 (current)


Stable Build


29 March, 2024


Extensions, Content & Customizations, Personalization & Experience Management, Product Content, Rich Media

Quality Report

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Installation & Varnish Tests


Coding Standard


Plagiarism Check


Malware Check


Marketing Review


Manual Testing


All tests were conducted on the latest versions of Adobe Commerce that existed for the compatible release lines at the moment of the extension submission. Latest versions of all other software were used, as applicable.

Release Notes

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  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Minor Bugs Fixed


  • Compatible with Magento Open Source : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    + Supports Google Gemini Pro AI Model
    - Updated ChatGPT 3.5 model
    - Minor Bugs Fixed


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    - Minor Bugs Fixed


  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (cloud) : 2.4
  • Compatible with Adobe Commerce (on-prem) : 2.4
  • Stability: Stable Build
  • Description:

    + Supports Google Gemini Pro AI Model
    - Updated ChatGPT 3.5 model
    - Minor Bugs Fixed


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The best place to start if you need help with a specific extension is to contact the developer. All Adobe Commerce developers have both a contact email and a support email listed.

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